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Are you ready to

reclaim your writing life?

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October 17, 2022

You are a mom who lost your creative spark in the days of early motherhood and are struggling to find a way back to it. Or maybe you never thought of writing a book before and something in becoming a mother brought that creative desire into your life. Or maybe you're a mom whose kids are now in school and you finally have time to write the book you've always wanted.

Moms face so many challenges when trying to pursue creative passions.

(Hello Mom Guilt!)

It can be so hard to carve out those moments to write your book.

Being a mom can be super isolating (especially in those early days/years). Being a writer is super isolating. As your writing guide, accountability buddy, and cheerleader, I will support you in this journey. I'll encourage you, help you make writing a priority in your life, work with you to set and achieve your writing goals, and help you turn the story that's in your heart into the story that's on the page.

Copyright © Megan A. Clancy. 2023. All rights reserved.

M. A. Clancy

August 2, 2022

The Book Coach for Moms

November 2, 2022

Client Testimonials

Because you are more than just a mom,

you are a writer.

November 4, 2022

Hi, I'm Megan.

I help moms develop their craft and accomplish their writing goals.

I coach moms at all points in their

novel-writing journey.

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or you have a full-time job outside of the house, or some hybrid in-between, I can help you figure out how to write the book you want with the life you have.