In 2020, the pandemic hit and I gave birth to my second child. My life was consumed with trying to stay afloat and one of the first things that got jettisoned was my writing time. And it took me far too long to realize this was a huge mistake. I have always needed writing in my life, especially during times of crisis, and I had to find my way back. And, with a lot of help, I did. Now I'm a writer and mom who loves stories and loves helping other moms find their way back to their life with words.

My Favorite Books

Let's be honest, someone asking you to pick your favorite book is like someone asking you to pick your favorite child. But, here's my short list (in no particular order):

Are you a mom who's ready to

follow your writing dream too?

I went to Colorado College, fully intending to major in Political Science, but quickly found my way to the English Department and a Creative Writing major. After graduating, I continued life in my literary academic bubble by moving to Australia where I earned my MFA in Creative Writing. I followed this up by teaching English in Nepal before returning to the States where I taught middle school and high school English for six years. While living in the Bay Area, I met my husband, fell in love, and started our family, all while living the life we love filled with travel, outdoor adventures (hiking, camping, & skiing), good wine & craft beer.

*The Experience/Credentials Stuff*

I am a published author with an MFA in Creative Writing.
I am a member of WFWA and Southern California Romance Writers.
I am a former high school English teacher (aka Grammar Nerd!).

About Me

P.S. If one of these is a comp for the story you want to write, I DEFINITELY want to work with you!

Hi, I'm Megan!

I am a writer who is also a mom. And on other days, I am a mom who is also a writer.

They are equal parts of who I am and I work hard to keep that balance in my life. But I also know that I am at my best when I am working on stories.

M. A. Clancy

The Book Coach for Moms

Copyright © Megan A. Clancy. 2023. All rights reserved.